Make a Difference
All independent schools rely on the gifts and support of donors. Tuition alone is not enough to sustain a vibrant, growing, and diverse school like MSCS. Our Annual Fund bridges the gap between tuition and expenses. Fundraising makes up 6% of our overall budget. We welcome your partnership in cultivating an inspired educational experience for all of our students.
Keeping tuition affordable.
Since our earliest days, Mountain Sun has been committed to maintaining tuition rates that are affordable to families in our area who feel their children would thrive in this environment. We are still fully dedicated to this tenet and our current tuition cost is below comparable schools in the region. To bridge the gap between tuition income and the actual cost of operation, we need your help.
Where your money goes.
Mountain Sun’s largest budgetary expense is personnel. While we can’t pay our teachers what they truly deserve, we have always worked towards doing all we can. Your donation goes towards paying a living wage for our staff, as well as supporting operational costs and assisting families who are unable to pay full tuition. Currently 35% of students at MSCS receive tuition assistance, and 84% of the budget goes to staff wages.
“Why I give”
Mountain Sun Community School is an independent, 501(c)(3) non-profit, independent school in Brevard, NC. Donations are used to enhance our students’ learning experience or offer tuition assistance for those in need.
We are thankful for any and all donations, large and small. It is through your generosity that we are able to offer a Montessori-based learning environment where children can thrive personally and be challenged academically.
*All donations are tax deductible according to the law.
Other ways to give.
Our Annual Fund contributes 6% to the overall budget. This is an ongoing effort throughout the year, and this is the simplest way to give your tax-deductible donation. Contact Lindsay Skelton at
Each family paying tuition at Mountain Sun has the option to voluntarily contribute above and beyond established tuition rates. This contribution is tax-deductible. This additional amount goes directly toward supporting higher wages for teachers and financial aid funds. Contact Lindsay Skelton at
We are grateful to our Community Partner Sponsors! We invite your business or organization to become a valuable member of the Mountain Sun Community. As a nonprofit, independent school we rely on our greater community for support. As a way to show our appreciation, and direct traffic to our community partners, we offer a community partner sponsorship from September through June of the academic year. If you are interested in this program, please contact Kayla Leed at
Throughout the year, we hold several events to raise money for the Annual Fund. Some of these events include the annual Raffle and Hike-a-thon. If you would like to participate in or plan an event to benefit Mountain Sun, please contact Lindsay Skelton at or call (828)885-2555.

“I love the community at Mountain Sun. I love that everything seems so intentional and thought out. I love that my kids enjoy school and are excited and passionate about learning. I love that they often get experiences that I wish I had the time and focus to present to them (cultural experiences, camping trips, exposure to different ideas). Thank you, Mountain Sun!”
—MSCS Parent