Let's Go Out and Play Together!
Join the Natural Play Project at an upcoming Natural Playdate! Playdates are free, facilitated, natural play experiences for children 3-5 years old with their parent/caregiver. They take place outside and include fun, developmentally appropriate educational activities, and time for natural free play…
January 2019 Classroom Updates
The Owls and Otters are moving into their studies of Asia. The teachers have decided that both classes will first study China and then move on to Thailand. This week they will have a guest speaker, Kert Peterson, who will speak to the classes about Taekwondo…
Ask the Girl
My son is four. He’s known for a lot of things—his boundless energy, his enthusiasm for life and the people he loves, his adventurous spirit and the way he wakes up ready to attack the day with gusto. But self-control? Yeah, he’s not known for that. Impulse-control? Not his strong suit. A gentle, tentative, approach to life? Not my kid…