When working with the Acorn age group (6-9 years old), their need to find their boundaries is clear. They are, once again, newly awakening to the world around them. Yes, they have seen it and been a part of it for quite a while by this time. However, they are coming to a new understanding: becoming aware of being a part of the whole rather than the reason for the whole…
Contemporaries in a Revolution
Around the age of five, I had a best friend named Jessica. Our fathers worked together, we “played” t-ball together (if picking flowers in the outfield is considered playing), so we saw each other often. I remember we were at a holiday dinner with a bunch of families at a large table and Jessica’s family had just gotten a new conversion van with a bed in the back…
Ask the Girl
My son is four. He’s known for a lot of things—his boundless energy, his enthusiasm for life and the people he loves, his adventurous spirit and the way he wakes up ready to attack the day with gusto. But self-control? Yeah, he’s not known for that. Impulse-control? Not his strong suit. A gentle, tentative, approach to life? Not my kid…