A Place at MSCS

This was my first year with Mountain Sun Community School and I was turned loose in a world full of discovery, exploration, creativity, belonging, and inspiration. I can’t describe this place without these words so it is so fitting that we use them to shape our school. My time here has been eye opening to what education can be for our community’s children and me. These core action words are reflected in so many ways at Mountain Sun.

Discover: Watching students find their rhythm and their passions at school is a breath of fresh air. I have discovered that kids can find their own path of education and learning becomes a reward for life. When I am sitting in class listening to the hum of the kids I am in awe and know that they are discovering worlds beyond this classroom.

Explore: My life changed when I was in high school and I discovered my independence through outdoor pursuits. Now, that passion is reflected in the young faces all around me. Connection with the natural world helps ground us and keeps us from losing ourselves in a fast paced technology driven world. Bringing awareness and a quiet spirit to the rest of our busy lives can make school, home, and beyond a more manageable and pleasant experience. I enjoy just being there while they sit quietly by a stream and write about the world beyond them.

Create: The act of making something can bring people together as well as make an individual feel both independent and connected to those around them. We introduce works that everyone has the chance to make their own. Throughout the day students are given the opportunity to exercise their creative side. I love seeing the peace and pride on a child’s face when they have completed something that reflects who they are beyond their actions.

Belong: We take every chance to connect to those around us. The sense of community I feel here blows me away. I was welcomed with open arms and everyone that walks in is instantly welcomed. We want to be comfortable with being a part of the greater community and comfortable with ourselves within a community. We are learning to be an individual within a group. You are only one and you are important to the community both big and small. I see the multi-age classroom blossom when the elders are helping those who are new to a work or contributions. We create a community that spreads beyond the classroom.

Inspire: I am inspired by the Otters, Owls, Acorns, and Monarchs everyday. They use all the tools around them to make our world an exciting and better place. They know being apart of a community is more than just showing up, taking action to help others by creating change and awareness. Our actions can have a ripple effect at MSCS which will cause changes in Brevard, Transylvania County, North Carolina and beyond.

Here at Mountain Sun Community School we guide our children to finding their passion for learning and creating change. We have a daily goal to discover, explore, create, belong, and inspire both as a school and as individuals. Go get your thinking cap, day-pack, paintbrush, and friends in order to make changes that will make our world a better place.

Written by Janna Carlson


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